Career Skills Course

Certificate in Leadership




per student

Asynchronous Course

& Self-paced


& Certificate

Why should I take this course?

What is leadership and why is it important? How does a leader encourage change without triggering fearful resistance? What are the key elements to leading an effective team? What is the role of charisma in leadership? How can a leader achieve work-life balance? This suite of courses addresses all of these questions and many more. The courses in this suite offer advice on leadership that can help you stand out as a leader among your peers. Video segments introduce successful leaders who discuss such issues as how leaders become leaders, leadership ethics, and the differences between leaders, managers, and administrators.
** PMI PDUs: 20 | Leadership PDUs: 13.75 | Strategic & Business Management PDUs: 0.5 | Technical PM PDUs: 5.75 | IACET CEUs: 2 (Contact Hours: 20 hours) | HRCI Credits: 20 (Type: General: 16, Specified - Strategic Business: 4) | SHRM PDCs: 20
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